(September '91)
The Fire in the Sky is Extinguished
Blue Waters no Longer Cry
The Dancing of Trees Has Stopped
The Stream of Freshness from Cold Winds
Exists no Longer
The Rain Has Stopped to Dr
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Тексты песен BURZUM
- BURZUM - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
- BURZUM - AnsuzgardaraiwWarriors of Ansuzgarda Warriors of Ansuzgarda Voices from the spirit world can be heard through the dark winternights, the heartbeats of the spirit. It is the holy twelve days of Yule. Dark shapes ca
- BURZUM - AnsuzgardaraiwЇ(4:28) Voices from the spirit world can be heard through the dark winternights, the heartbeats of the spirit. It is the holy twelve days of Yule. Dark shapes can be seen in the sky; riders of death.
- BURZUM - Balferd Baldrs(6:05) En Edirnir tokulu lik Baldrs ok Flutti til saever. Hringhorni het skip Baldrs. Hann var allra skipa mestr. Hann vildu godin fram setja ok gera par a balfgr Baldrs. En skipit gekk hvergi fram.
- BURZUM - Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament(Musikk og tekst skrevet Januar 1993 a.y.p.s.) I wonder how winter will be with a spring that I shall never see I wonder how night will be with a day that I shall never see I wonder how life will be
- BURZUM - Black Spell Of Destruction(July '91) Hear my Sword ...in the Making Of my Spell Literally Damkuna, Iftraga Sheb Nigurepur, Dafast
- BURZUM - Burzum(Musikk og tekst skrevet August 1991 a.y.p.s.) When night falls she cloaks the world in impenetrable darkness. A chill rises from the soil and contaminates the air suddenly...
- BURZUM - Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God(May '91) Worship Me
- BURZUM - Das Einsame Trauern Von Frijo (The Lonesome Mourning Of Frijo)A mother mourns the loss of her son. The most wonderful man in The world; light and shining, fair and beautiful as no other man. Light blond hair, wonderful skyblue eyes and a skin so fair it Shines!
- BURZUM - Daudi Baldrs(8:49) Pat er upphaf pessar sogu at Baldr inn goda dreymdi drauma stora ok haettliga um lif sitt. En er hann sagdi Asunum draumana pa baru peir saman rad sin, ok var pat gert at beida grida Baldri fy
- BURZUM - Decrepitude(Musikk og tekst skrevet Desember 1992 a.y.p.s.) Tears from the eyes so cold, tears from the eyes, in the grass so green. As I lie here, the burden is being lifted once and for all, once and for all.
- BURZUM - Det Som En Gang Var(Juni - 92) Imellom buskene vi stirret paa de som minnet om andre tider og fortalte at haapet var borte for alltid... Vi hoerte alvesang og vann som sildret Det som en gang var er nu borte alt blod
- BURZUM - Dunkelheit(Musik und Text August 1991 a.y.p.s.) Wenn die Nack einfällt bedeckt sie die Welt mit undurchdringlicher Dunkelheit. Kälte steigt vom boden auf und verpestet die Luft plötzlich...
- BURZUM - Ea, Lord Of The Deeps(November '91) The Head is a Head of a Serpent From its Nostrils Mucus Trickles... The Ears Are those of a Basilisk His Horns Are Twisted into three Curls The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of Stars T
- BURZUM - En Ring Til Aa Herske(March - 92) I en moerk skog med kalde tjern Et sted hvor Herren av verdens ild ikke rekker I det moerkeste i den store av natten - av tid Og de samlet seg og blev doedens hus Barn av tidens krefter
- BURZUM - Erblicket Die To:Chter Des Firmaments(Musik und Text Januar 1993 a.y.p.s.) Ich frage mich, wie wird der Winter sein wenn ich den Fru:hling niemals sehen werde Ich frage mich, wie wird die Nach sein wenn ich den Tag niemals sehen werde I
- BURZUM - Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown(September '91) Drifting In the Air Above a Cold Lake Is a Soul From an Early Better Age Grasping for A Mystic Thought In Vain...but Who's to Know Further on Lies Eternal Search For Theorie
- BURZUM - FijЇТs Golden Tears(2:38) Alone in the night, FijЇ is crying; she has been left by her husband who had to leave to fight the darkness of matter. Thoughts of what once was flow through her mind; their play in the green
- BURZUM - Gebrechlichkeit(Musik und Text Dezember 1992 a.y.p.s.) Tra:nen aus den Augen so kalt, Tra:nen aus den Augen, in das Gras so gru:n. Als ich hier liege, wird die Bu:rde von mir genommen fu:r immer und ewig, fu:r imme
- BURZUM - Hermodr A Helferd(2:49) En pat er at segja fra Hermodi at hann reid niu naetr dokkva dala ok djupa sva at hann sa ekki fyrr en hann kom til arinnar Gjallar ok reid a Gjallar bruna. Hon er pokd lysigulli. Modgudr er n
- BURZUM - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss(Juli - 92) En aapning i skogen hvor solen skinner Hindret av trerne fanges vi i denne guds appning Det brenner det svir nar lyset slikker vaart kjott opp mot skyene en roeyk en sky av vaares form
- BURZUM - I Heimr Heljar(2:02) Sa Par sitja i onduugi Baldr brodur sinn, ok dvaldisk Hermodr par um nottina. En at morni pa beiddisk Hermodr af Helju at Baldr skyldi rida heim med honum ok sagdi hversu mikill gratr var med
- BURZUM - Illa Tidandi(10:29) Pa reid Hermodr aptr leid sina ok kom i Asgard ok sagdi oll tidindi pau er hann hafdi set ok heyrt. Pvi naest sendu Esir um allam heim orindreka at Baldr vaeri gratinn or Helju. En allir gerd
- BURZUM - In Das Schloss Der Traeume(August - 92) Durch neblige Taeler inmitten purpurner Berge unter grauen Wolken in der schwarzen Nacht Auf einem stolzen Pferd in schwarzem Gewand schwere Waffen in der Hand Die Unendlichkeit toter
- BURZUM - Inn I Slottet Far Droemmen(August - 92) Gjennom taakete daler mellom dystre fjell under graa skyer mitt i svarte natt paa en stolt hest ifort svarte kler sterke vaapen i haand Uendelig med dode trer en evighet av kulde over
- BURZUM - Jesu Dod(Musikk og tekst skrevet Februar 1993 a.y.p.s.) En skikkelse lå der på bakken så vond at de blomster rundt visnet en dyster sjel lå der på bakken s&a
- BURZUM - Jesus' TodMusik und Text Februar 1993 a.y.p.s.) Eine Gestalt lag auf dem Boden so bo:sartig, dab die Blumen um sie herum verwelkten eine dunkle Seele lag auf dem Boden so kalt, dab alles Wasser sich in Eis ver
- BURZUM - Key To The Gate(August - 91) My eyes are shut I cannot see though clear is thy despair I drift away - far away from places of which you seek Though I seek thy hell yuo close the gate before me Your life is right,
- BURZUM - Lost Wisdom(June - 91) While we may believe our world - our reality to be that is - is but one manifestation of the essence Other planes lie beyond the reach of normal sense and common roads But they are no le
- BURZUM - Moti Ragnargkum(9:04) Hatt blaess Heimdallr horn er a lopti. Maelir Odinn vid Mims hofud. Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standardi, ymr it aldna tre en jotunn losnar. Kjoll fekk autan, koma munu Muspells of log lydir, en L
- BURZUM - My Journey To The Stars(January '92) I Immaterialize And Slowly Drift Into the Unknown With the Cold Winds with Soul The Wintery Plains Lie Untouched I Ride on My Elements Towards the Stars Unseen A Quest For Knowledg
- BURZUM - NerЃЎus„S Love(2:14) Happy men and women follow a trail in the woods. The follow a wagon led by a priest, towards a holy lake. Wonderful colours, dancing happy people, the scene is natureТs love. Dancing along are
- BURZUM - Rundgang Un Die Transzendentale Sa:ule Der Singularita:(Musik und Text Ma:rz 1993 a.y.p.s.) "Die Quelle des Urd ist nicht la:nger ein dunkles Tief, in das wir starren, sondern ein lebender Strom, der fruchtbar durch die La:nder des Nordens fliebt. J
- BURZUM - Rundtgaing Av Den Transcendentale Egenhetens Stotte(Musikk og tekst skrevet Mars 1993 a.y.p.s.) "Urds bronn er ikke lenger et dunkelt dyp vi stirrer ned i, men en levende strom som gar befruktende gjennem Nordens land. Ja, mod Tilvaerelsens hois
- BURZUM - Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn(March - 92) Ingen stillhet her ute - en droem Her hvor maanen raar - en droem Jeg hater denne skog hvor ingen fare truer Ingen ulv ingen bjoern intet troll puster Ingen onde aander ingenting puster
- BURZUM - The Crying Hadnur(1:16) Hadnur the Blind shot the arrow that killed FijЇТs good and shining son. The gods could not utter a single word when they saw what had happened. He understood that something was wrong, but nob
- BURZUM - The Death Of Wuotan(6:34) Drums of war sound. Warriors are gathered to fight on the WэgriЁr plain. Charging men, wolves, ravens and gods, worms and beasts of darkness; the plain is lit with fire. Blood is flowing, bits
- BURZUM - The Lonesome Mourning Of FrijЇ(6:15) A mother mourns the loss of her son. The most wonderful man in the world; light and shining, fair and beautiful as no other man. Light blond hair, wonderful skyblue eyes and a skin so fair it
- BURZUM - The Power Of Empathy(3:55) The gods have just managed to tie FanjarюhЇ to the ground. Tэw lost his right hand during the process; it was the wolfТs security, a guarantee he would not be tricked; but he was indeed. His j
- BURZUM - TuistoТs Heart(6:13) On the slope of a naked rock somewhere in Ska■inawjЇ - the isles of Ska■is - a blonde, fur-clad man immortalises his memory of Mannus, the oldest Ing. A large manlike shape
- BURZUM - War(October '91) This is War I Lie Wounded on Wintery Ground With Hundred of Corpses around Many Wounded Crawl Helplessly around On the Blood Red Snowy Ground War Cries of the (ha, ha) Suffering So
- BURZUM - Was Einst War(Juni - 92) Durch das Gebuesch starrten wir auf jene die uns an andere Zeiten erinnerten und sagten, dass alle Hoffnung fuer immer entschwunden war... Wir hoerten Elfengesang und Wasserrauschen Was
- BURZUM - Wenn Das Licht Uns Nimmt(Juli - 92) Eine Lichtung im Walde wo die Sonne scheint Eingeschlossen durch Baeume sind wir gefangen in dieser Lichtung Gottes Es brennt, es schmerzt als das Licht unser Fleisch leckt gen Himmel, R