Текст песни 4_Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor

Все тексты 4_Cascada
Turn up the music
Let's get out on the floor
I'll let it move it
Come and give me some more
Watch me getting physical and out of control
There's people watching me
I never miss a beat
Steal the night
Kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right
Keep it tight
Cos it's pulling you in
Wrap it up
Can't stop cos it feels like a overdose
(Feels like an overdose)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
My body's aching
System overload
Temperature's rising
I'm about to explode
Watch me I'm intoxicated
Taking the show
It got me hypnotized
Everybody step aside
Steal the night
Kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right
Keep it tight
Cos it's pulling you in
Wrap it up
Can't stop cos it feels like a overdose
(Feels like an overdose)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Come on and evacuate
Feel the clubbers heating up
Move on and accelerate
Push it to the top
Come on and evacuate
Feel the clubbers heating up
Move on and accelerate
You don't have to be afraid
Now guess who's back with a brand new track

That got everybody in the club going mad
So everybody in the back get your back up on the wall
And just shake that thong
Go crazy, yo lady, yo baby
Let me see you work that thing
Now drop it down low, low
Let me see you take it to the dancefloor, yo
(Everybody in the club!)
Evacuate the dancefloor
(Everybody in the club!)
I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Музыку погромче,
Проваливайте с танцпола -
Я начинаю движение.
Иди и дай мне что-то большее,
Смотри, как я теряю контроль.
Эти люди смотрят на меня,
Я всегда попадаю в ритм.
Украсть ночь,
Убить свет,
Ощутить это под своей кожей...
Правильное время,
Держи напряжение,
Потому что тебя тянет
Перевернуть все вокруг,
Не остановиться, так как чувства через край...
(Ощущение передозировки)
О, о прочь с танцпола!
О, о я заражена музыкой!
О, о это просто убийственный звук!
Эй, мистер DJ, пусть музыка унесет меня в андеграунд!
(Все, кто в клубе!)
О, о прочь с танцпола!
О, о я заражена музыкой!
(Все, кто в клубе!)
О, о это просто убийственный звук!
Эй, мистер DJ, сожжем это место дотла!
Мое тело болит,
Система перегружена,
Температура поднимается,
Я скоро взорвусь.
Смотри, я словно пьяная,
Это шоу заводит,
Гипнотизирует меня,
Эй, все - расступитесь!
Украсть ночь,
Убить свет,
Ощутить это под своей кожей...
Правильное врем

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Взято с https://alllyr.ru/lyrics/song/110595-4_cascada-evacuate-the-dancefloor/

Перевод песни 4_Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor

Все переводы 4_Cascada
Turn up the music
Let's get out on the floor
I'll let it move it
Come and give me some more
Watch me getting physical and out of control
There's people watching me
I never miss a beat
Steal the night
Kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right
Keep it tight
Cos it's pulling you in
Wrap it up
Can't stop cos it feels like a overdose
(Feels like an overdose)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
My body's aching
System overload
Temperature's rising
I'm about to explode
Watch me I'm intoxicated
Taking the show
It got me hypnotized
Everybody step aside
Steal the night
Kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right
Keep it tight
Cos it's pulling you in
Wrap it up
Can't stop cos it feels like a overdose
(Feels like an overdose)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Come on and evacuate
Feel the clubbers heating up
Move on and accelerate
Push it to the top
Come on and evacuate
Feel the clubbers heating up
Move on and accelerate
You don't have to be afraid
Now guess who's back with a brand new track

That got everybody in the club going mad
So everybody in the back get your back up on the wall
And just shake that thong
Go crazy, yo lady, yo baby
Let me see you work that thing
Now drop it down low, low
Let me see you take it to the dancefloor, yo
(Everybody in the club!)
Evacuate the dancefloor
(Everybody in the club!)
I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Музыку погромче,
Проваливайте the dance floor -
I'm beginning to move.
Come and give me something more
Look, I'm losing control.
These people look at me,
I always get into a rhythm.
Steal the night
Kill the lights,
Feel it under your skin ...
Right time
Keep stress
Because you pull
Turn it all around,
Do not stop, because feelings over the edge ...
(The feeling of overdose)
Oh, oh, off the dance floor!
Oh, I was infected on the music!
Oh, oh, it's just a killer sound!
Hey, Mr. DJ, let the music take me underground in!
(Everyone in the club!)
Oh, oh, off the dance floor!
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the music!
(Everyone in the club!)
Oh, oh, it's just a killer sound!
Hey, Mr. DJ, will burn this place down!
My body aches,
System overload
Temperature rises,
I'll explode.
Look, I like a drunk,
It the show starts,
Hypnotizing me
Hey, all - Make way!
Steal the night
Kill the lights,
Feel it under your skin ...
The right time

Взято с https://alllyr.ru/lyrics/song/110595-4_cascada-evacuate-the-dancefloor/

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